I mean, peanut butter and chocolate taste great together, but substitute one for the other and it'll be known even if it does taste good."
"Looking at violence, combat, and killing is like looking at sensuality, intimacy, and sex. They compliment each other so well that we sometimes forget that they can and do stand apart. And problems can kick in when we look to understand one and focus on one of the others.
I mean, peanut butter and chocolate taste great together, but substitute one for the other and it'll be known even if it does taste good."
If there's one group of people that bunches my loincloth as much as bullies do, it's the viciously ungrateful.
Because the internet is a wonderful thing, there's a few Fb groups out there dedicated to amateur pinups for service members. And most who patronize such agree with me that this is a good thing, and are appreciative to varying degrees of enthusiasm. And then there's some taint goblins (I've met some honorable trolls, these guys are downgraded), who are actively complaining. Why? Because the lady at eye (because we're not lucky enough to have her at hand), doesn't conform to a taint goblin's ideal of attraction. A lady goes to that much trouble to show off nice, and all a taint goblin can do is bitch. Sad note for humanity. Nobody said the lass in question had to strike your fancy. But Barbarians at least give a smile before moving on. These taint goblin complaints are Evil Mad Prince behaviors. Somewhere between "appoint your horse to political office" and "accidentally drowned in your own privy while the servants noticed nothing." I think the term "catcalling" was invented by guys who knew it was a counterproductive act (if positive feminine attention was the goal, that is), and named it accordingly.
After all, cats don't come when called. They show up when they feel like it. The lack of creativity is what gets me. Blatant sexual attraction, how original. Animals pull that one off. At least when a Robin yells, "My chest is huge and red! Mate with me now!" he's got a certain aesthetic to it. If you're enjoying the look of a passing lady, shutting up and letting your head turn is at least halfway subtle. I can gaze the texture right off a pair of yoga pants, it's still more subtle than a catcall. And if you can't manage to shut the fuck up, be original. Show some effort. A good quotation, an original couplet, something. If you insist on sounding like you're in a meat market, at least learn to recite fancier recipes. Oh yeah, and this bullshit trend of attacking those who shoot you down? That needs to fucking end. Abby said it better than I could about how knowing you're not alone helps. It also lets family and friends know that they're not just big, out-there issues. It's the lives of loved ones.
I'm straight. I'm an ally. And I've found myself with a comfort in my company that extends far beyond my spot on the Kinsey scale. Just because someone doesn't get my personal motor running does not and should not stop me from saying that they look good, from knowing they're an awesome person, or letting them know I love them. In a couple days will be the 8th anniversary of the day I married a truly incredible woman. Who happens to be Bi. That fact has done nothing to hinder our love for each other or for those dear to us. I served my country during the years of DADT. And when that law was justly repealed, I love that my Corps' nigh-universal reaction was one of "we're the most homoerotic organization to come around since 80's-era WWF wrestling! Who gives a fuck?!" Pressfield said, "the opposite of fear is love." So show some love today. Send a little more fear packing. Love you. Good night. ![]() So, scrolling through my news feeds and find that a certain reality show has fired not one but two of their hosts for the same offense. Namely, lying about their military and combat experiences and records.
Excuse me, the fuck? Look, I know that there are packs of liars out there that spout shit about their service. Everyone from professional con artists committing six-figure frauds to the guy talking smack about how high speed he is to the lady at the bar. But one would think that if your chosen profession involved the intense public eye, you'd at least stop to think that people can and will check? Especially if you appear in something that closely aligns to your service? I'm gonna give away a warfighting secret here: Warriors gossip like washerwomen on red bull. It takes very little to get them going, and an act of a God to get them to stop. Another warfighting secret: warriors fucking LOVE catching someone else making a small error related to their chosen profession. Marines around the world wet themselves laughing at Tom Cruise saluting indoors without a cover on in A Few Good Men. If you mention a unit, school, or MOS while being a public figure, SOMEONE can and will look you up there. And from the moment someone says, "I looked, and I can't find a record of that guy that hosts High Speed Thundercock ever going to Special Secret Ninja Blackops School," and posts it on Facebook, it's just a matter of time before you're found out. And usually done. I know show business is insanely competitive, and everyone's under a ton of pressure to get the gig before the next guy does, and the temptation to tweak your resume is heavy duty. Don't. Fucking. Do. It. I know I harp on this shit a lot, but a big reason for that is because I work with weapons, where integrity is hugely important. Every time I walk on a set or into a rehearsal hall in that capacity, other people's safety winds up in my hands. If someone can't be trusted to be honest about their experience, how can a cast be expected to trust them with their safety? Look, I'll go first, OK? I was on active duty 4 years and 3 months (extended to go on my 3rd deployment). Fought in Iraq and Afghanistan (one deployment each). My second deployment was a MEU that went to the gulf and back. Potential bar brawls and whatever that barmaid in France drugged me with were the worst danger zones I had to contend with on that one. I was an ordinary machine gunner, with some time spent in the armory. My highest personal award is a NAM with a combat "V" and I left active duty as a Corporal. No jump wings, no scuba bubble, and if you do ever find my SRB you'll find a stack of Page 11's on me in there for being a fat fuck. Those are the highlights. ...... ...... ...... OK, it's been ten minutes. I just checked. - my website and various social media profiles are all still up. - My resume hasn't morphed into the words "YOU SUCK" in bright red ink. - Neither my agent nor various colleagues have blocked my phone number Hold on to your integrity, folks. Nobody can take it away but you. And once you turn it away, there's not much you can do to get it back. ~J |
Jay Peterson
Musings on violence, storytelling, and humanity in general. Archives
August 2024