Trump doesn't give a tin shit about gun rights and never did. If he had, the city he's spent decades in and millions on wouldn't still be a festering shithole as far as personal freedoms go. But he doesn't give a shit. He's more than capable of getting a "may issue" permit in NYC for himself without even being so crude as to bribe a supervising officer for one. (Seriously, there's like 3 under indictment for that last I checked). You filthy peasants wanting the same recourse are SOL.
But Trump's legacy in gun control isn't any legislation he signed. It's in having the fucking audacity to CHANGE DEFINITIONS IN FEDERAL LAW TO SUIT HIS PURPOSES.
That's exactly what he did to bump stocks, folks. Holy fucking shit.
And there's grumblings that his ATF is chasing after pistol braces the same way.
I can't emphasize enough what a hideous level of executive overreach that was. And the Republicans let him do it to no discernible benefit outside of avoiding the wrath of his cultists.
(And cultists is the word. I have no idea how one gets that kind of power in ways that don't involve sacrificing fuckers in a bog somewhere.)
Nothing else proves the NRA's status as a bucket of sloppy uselessness than Trump's record on gun rights.
So far I haven't heard anything from him that isn't Democrat boilerplate. Blah blah children, yadda yadda common sense, same stupid, long-debunked bullshit they've been spouting since the 90's.
The easiest and laziest way for a newly elected politician to prove to their base that they're doing something is to make a ban or a restriction.
With Democrats it's guns, with Republicans it's abortion.
Because doing so:
One, doesn't cost anything. No popular program has to be defunded, no donor sees their taxes raised for it.
Two, energizes your base.
Three, only pisses off people who weren't going to vote for you anyway.
Whatever you put forward doesn't have to have a chance at passing. You just have to put it up so you can say you tried. But those opposition so-and-so's just didn't want to work with you.
The real political capital is being spent on other things. Biden's inheriting a pandemic, a shit economy, a far-left chunk of his own party clamoring for bloody revenge (and pissed off at him for calling for unity), and a good-sized chunk of his opposition convinced he was elected under circumstances that were questionable at best (and telling him where he can put his unity).
(If it was Harris we were talking about, I would understand this. I know a gun owner in her old jurisdiction. Let's just say I never thought I'd ever learn new swear words from a zoomie and leave it at that.)
I haven't even mentioned the bare minimum 10 million (probably closer to 15M) of his constituents who armed themselves for the first time this year.
There's plenty of things to be worried about these days, people.
Incoming gun control laws are NOT high on the priority list.