After all, cats don't come when called. They show up when they feel like it.
The lack of creativity is what gets me. Blatant sexual attraction, how original. Animals pull that one off. At least when a Robin yells, "My chest is huge and red! Mate with me now!" he's got a certain aesthetic to it.
If you're enjoying the look of a passing lady, shutting up and letting your head turn is at least halfway subtle. I can gaze the texture right off a pair of yoga pants, it's still more subtle than a catcall.
And if you can't manage to shut the fuck up, be original. Show some effort. A good quotation, an original couplet, something. If you insist on sounding like you're in a meat market, at least learn to recite fancier recipes.
Oh yeah, and this bullshit trend of attacking those who shoot you down? That needs to fucking end.