I'm straight. I'm an ally. And I've found myself with a comfort in my company that extends far beyond my spot on the Kinsey scale. Just because someone doesn't get my personal motor running does not and should not stop me from saying that they look good, from knowing they're an awesome person, or letting them know I love them.
In a couple days will be the 8th anniversary of the day I married a truly incredible woman.
Who happens to be Bi.
That fact has done nothing to hinder our love for each other or for those dear to us.
I served my country during the years of DADT. And when that law was justly repealed, I love that my Corps' nigh-universal reaction was one of "we're the most homoerotic organization to come around since 80's-era WWF wrestling! Who gives a fuck?!"
Pressfield said, "the opposite of fear is love."
So show some love today. Send a little more fear packing.
Love you. Good night.