At the moment I'm mostly pissed that my industry has kept up the record of a death a decade, every decade, since at least the 80's. Probably before that, but productions had better control of word getting off set before then.
Not to mention the gods know how many narrowly missed incidents that nobody publicly knows about over the years.
I'm not going to be looking into the Rust shooting further.
I backed off from doing most gunwork professionally in 2018, then stopped entirely when the pandemic lockdowns hit last year. Exceptions are very few and far between.
Now's usually the time when a bunch of folk from gun culture start mounting high horses and talking about how Hollywood needs to get itself educated.
Well, first off, Hollywood averages an negligent shooting death once a decade. And that's if you include the Thayer case. The rest of America manages about 400 negligent shooting deaths a year.
So fuck that attitude if that's what you came with.
(Not that you should be getting complacent, Hollywood. Look at the population of the country vs the number of on-set professionals and do the math. Don't forget to account for a decade vs a year.)
I tried.
I spent most of my 30's doing my best at exactly that.
Talked with a lot of people.
Trained a lot of people.
Worked with a lot of people.
Accomplished a lot.
Met some incredible friends along the way.
Some of whom are still my ride or dies.
Unfortunately, I also ran into several gaggles of culty motherfuckers that were all too happy to enjoy what I could do, but had nothing but contempt for who I was.
Took me almost a decade before I could cut 'em loose.
And it hurt me a lot more than it hurt them.
(Screwed what little chance I had of working in intimacy coordination on my way out, despite the fact that I think I'd be pretty good at it, but that's another story.)
Between acting and writing, I have enough of an uphill run. I don't need more.
So if you want to give it a go, gunbunny?
Knock yourself out.
There's all the poverty and ostracism you can eat out there.
Have fun bringing the good news to the great unwashed.
Given that any actor whose name you've actually heard of has exponentially more training in their craft under their belt than you have range and field time under yours; I'm sure they'll be happy to listen to your war stories while paying you by the hour.
Don't forget the church analogies or the innuendo. Those always go over great with people trying to learn.
I look forward to hear of your success.
Go in peace.
Hopefully in the morning I won't miss the culty motherfuckers anymore.