If I was a gun control advocate, I'd be pissed.
I mean, I'm not. I have a functioning brain and I'm not a wannabe tyrant. But if I was, I'd be pissed.
Because the Democrats shafted those fuckers yet again.
Don't get me wrong, it's better written than the 94 ban. Only one cosmetic feature puts something on the list instead of two, not to mention the long list of current models it mentions. Got rid of banning bayonet lugs (but still bans grenade launchers as a feature, like ~that's~ been an ongoing problem).
It also grandfathers all banned weapons already in private hands.
There's 25-30 Million AR's in private hands alone. And parts for a million more. Ten were made in garages and basements as I wrote this. And close to 2 billion high capacity magazines for them alone.
(really standard capacity but gun control advocates are either too willfully ignorant to realize that or too evil to care)
And that doesn't even include AK and other platforms out there.
The fuck of it is, the Uvalde, Highland Park, and Buffalo shooters all purchased their weapons legally (despite police dropping the ball in at least two of those cases).
And the advocates of this ban will take that truth and use it to wrap the bullshit lie that this latest ban will do a damn thing to make anyone a single bit safer from mass shootings in the future.
This is why Democrats keep winning and being useless. They assume their constituents are too stupid to realize what's going on or too desperate to care. And all too often, they're proven right.
Like I said: not a gun control advocate. But if I was, I'd be pissed. Because the Democrats will try to hose those sorry little fuckers into thinking something's been accomplished.
It hasn't. Even if Moscow Mitch and the women-aren't-people rodeo in the senate don't squash it on arrival, it won't do a damn thing.
Take care of yourselves out there.