If you're going to lambast "Those people," on your wall, but you're not friends with or followed by any? Then all you're doing is standing on a soapbox to viciously masturbate, convincing nobody and leaving a puddle of vitriol spooge in your wake. If you must vent your spleen, find a heavy bag or a treadmill. At least then you're burning calories along with the ugliness.
If you're declaring what must or must not be done, have a care as to who you're giving orders to. Giving orders inconsiderate of consequence and without the power to enforce them is the province of children demanding ice cream three meals a day: not as fun as they'd imagine, having consequences they neither know of nor intend, and not what's going to happen no matter how passionate their yowling.
Take what you've dismissed and listen to it again. No, don't let it happen while you formulate a response, really listen.
If you demand something change, are you demanding it because it caused an outcome you don't like or because it needed changing in the first place? Know the difference and have the class to admit it.
If you don't know the difference between those who disagree with you and those who want you and everyone like you dead, then you've either never had a close encounter with the latter or you're being a fucking asshole to the former.
Focusing on a single issue means looking at a group photo as if it was a portrait: you're missing exponentially what you see.
I want you to go to the effort to be a person, even if whoever you're encountering deserves a little shit. That little shit doesn't have to be you.
And Santa can't fit any of this shit in his sack, so it's up to you.