A part of me thinks it's not going to happen. A NY politician giving a shit about fraud and abuse is about as reliable as a bubble wrap anvil. Pot, meet the kettle.
The rest of me doesn't honestly care. The NRA became a cronyism machine years ago, and it's leadership hasn't had a decent shakeup since the Cincinnati revolt, which happened before I was born. It devolved from being an organization devoted to 2A that actually gave a shit and put its money where its mouth was to a good cookie machine for baseline Republicans.
Where's my universal CCW, NRA?
Where the fuck were you when Virginia's shiny new legislature repping beltway and Maryland refugees decided to shit all over the rights of the rest of the state?
Where the fuck have you been on red flag laws?
Where the fuck were you when Breonna Taylor was killed and her boyfriend jailed for defending her?
I've been watching Piper over at Armed Equality and Erin over at Pink Pistols and Maj over at Black Guns Matter working day in and day out. Where the fuck are you and your crew, Wayne?
The NRA had all the resources it needed to be a political powerhouse for the rights it purports to champion. 7 Million brand-new gun owners since January and counting.
Instead it's the lobbyist equivalent of the asshole old boomer fudd in the back corner of the gun show, trying to make one last hugely profitable deal before he croaks. And everyone else at the show knows how to use gunbroker too and knows exactly what he's trying to pawn off and what it really sells for. And they all roll their eyes and go, "OK Boomer. I'll just buy it off your estate sale. Assuming your granola munching millennial kids don't turn em into a buyback program for a Starbucks gift card."
Fuck 'em.