Good on the Jimmy Johns clerk. Guy was a moron, place is insured, give him the cash, and he got rolled up a few days later, all with no fucks given.
Of course, if circumstances changed, we'd be having a different conversation. But for what happened, good on him.
To everyone yelling at the CNN writer who covered the NRA annual to get her finger off the trigger: shut the fuck up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, booger hook off the bang switch. A fucking Communist News Network reporter took the opportunity of the NRA meet happening a block from her office to go, ask questions, and actually LISTEN to people. And you fuckdroolings want to give her shit for poor trigger control in the first five minutes she ever touches a weapon? Assclown.
Don't worry, I'm not letting the left off the hook either. The usual gang of hand-wringing eloi are crying about the campus carry bill most likely being passed by Gov. Deal.
Quite frankly, I'm not liking the bill either. It's useless. Deal demanded that exceptions be made for student housing, campus childcare facilities, buildings used for sporting events, offices, or rooms used for disciplinary hearings.
Really? Give me a reason. A reason that's not "guns scare me."
Give me a reason a student can't carry and use the gym on the same day.
Give me a reason a student can't carry and pick up and drop off their kid at a campus daycare at the same time.
Give me a reason faculty or staff can't carry in their own offices (not that any of them would admit it, as "daring to carry a weapon" is right up there with "daring to seek tenure like an upstart peasant" as far as academic sins go)
Give me one reason the threshold of any of these buildings magically turns a responsible carrier into a danger.
"Sanctuaries of learning".... fuck you.
If your head is already buried in the sand, academia is the one place where you SHOULD be able to find someone with a shovel and the willingness to give direction.
And finally, yeah, I watched the John Brown gun club have a range day out in Arizona.
Remember when I said extreme leftist radicals could learn to run and gun easily?
I never said they would learn from youtube any better than the three precent airsoft sugarplums either. I didn't need to see video evidence, but here I am.