But now I'm convinced it's a game.
Every foaming at the mouth batshit asshole leftist I've ever seen has at least one of four demographic markers:
1, cis. 2, hetero. 3, white. 4, male.
Some have two or more.
And in the Leftist Games, the game is to find someone else with one or more of these markers, and browbeat them into submission and/or silence with how much better you are than them.
I don't know if it's some sort of fucked up Highlander scenario, where in the end there can be only one.
I don't know if its more like pokemon, where you gotta collect 'em all.
I just know this is the way the Ctrl-left eats their own now.
Occasionally they try going after me in the center.
These days, I just shut that crap down.
That's why I stop paying attention when leftist white people start babbling about racism. Sorry. I don't trust you and I'm not gonna listen. You're not spreading the good word. You're looking for someone to be better than. Fuck off and do it elsewhere.
It's even worse when it's lefty dudes babbling about misogyny. These fuckers I not only stop listening to on principle, I gotta keep an eye out on them. Because the odds are good that one of 'em is going to wind up being an abuser, an assailant, or a misogynist in their own right.
I wish I was kidding. Two of the dudes who crowed loudest about treating women in Atlanta's performing arts scene better in recent years turned out to be exactly what they were crowing against.
I can think of guys in four different states right now where I don't have any proof but wouldn't be surprised one bit if I woke up and found out they were in the exact same boat.
Seriously, if you want to be treated like a grown ass adult again?
Stop playing the game.
The odds are not in your favor.
And fucking check yourself before taking on the arrogance to say that nobody else should be allowed to read or see what you don't like either.
That's not a road you want to go down.
Because it only takes one to decide that what you have to say shouldn't be heard or seen by anyone else either.