Godsdammit, I did not want to have to deal with this. But now it's over on my page.
You know what I have to say about this Paradox of Tolerance?
Horseshit. Complete and total horseshit.
Tolerance isn't about allowing ideas we don't mind.
It's about allowing ideas we find repugnant or disgusting or just plain wrong.
But no, that's not enough for the current incarnation of the left.
They want a permission slip to hate.
They want the rush of endorphins that comes with punching a Nazi.
Because hatred feels good.
Righteousness feels good.
Being a winner feels good.
Defeating an unabashedly evil foe feels good.
But here's the catch:
They don't want to climb down off their moral high horse to get in the mud of violence to do it.
It's dishonest. Instead of growing the fuck up and admitting that there's a time and place where othering people is acceptable, they want to have the cake of tolerance and eat the cake of hatred at the same fucking time.
You want tolerance?
Go to Afghanistan. Deal with one of the tribal elders.
Do you want the Salafist Takfiri asshole that wants everyone not following his flavor of Islam dead or in chains? And is willing to use heavy duty gear to make it happen?
Or do you want the tribal shithead who's raping his 9-year-old chai boy for giggles?
Or do you want the warlord paying his thugs with opium destined for the world's heroin market?
I'll even be nice and give you a scenario where they're not all the same person.
THAT is fucking tolerance.
It's not putting up with shit you don't mind.
It's putting up with shit you despise.
Because sometimes the world doesn't let us just jam a knife in some motherfucker's throat and call it a day.
That's how civilization fucking works, and it should be embarrassing that it takes a barbarian to point that shit out.
Don't fucking tell me you're tolerant and then decide someone else is persona non humanus because you don't have the Sisu to actually look someone that disgusts you in the eyes.
If there's people in the world worth hating that much,
human the fuck up and admit it.
But take this tolerance paradox and shove it someplace delicate, because it has no place among the honest.
I'm saying that when it comes to applied violence, the left is amateur hour.
They've spent so damn long policing the world for harsh language that they can't tell the difference between someone screaming at them to vent their spleen and someone screaming at them as a prelude to an attack.
And that shit's important.
So many are screaming right now that there is no two sides. That there's only one advocating the extermination of entire swaths of humanity.
Which is absolutely true.
But at the same time, it's ignoring the fact that both sides can and will put bullets in heads of those who get in their way.
If you're saying the left isn't lethal yet, I got 8 dead cops in 2 states that will ask where the hell you've been.
What HAS changed for the left is their main targets.
Since Occupy, the proto-antifas have been acting against agents of the state. Acting against wall street, cops in Ferguson and Baltimore, and the energy-industrial complex at Standing Rock. They've gotten to be experts at being as violent and disruptive as possible without being dispersed. They're geniuses at media manipulation.
What they haven't done so far is start shooting, despite the John Brown militia and other offshoots. (The Dallas and Baton Rogue shooters were outliers, and I'm willing to bet the asshole in the Charger was one as well. All three of those attacks went too far too soon for the main body of either movement).
But they're a hair away from it.
Then after the election these Neo-Nazi idiots showed up.
And the antifas started salivating.
NOW they had a real target! Actual villians!
BUT they need, they crave the moral authority inherent in being a responding victim instead of a forcible offender. A trait they share with the alt-right. That's why most of what we see is posturing and goading each other into taking the first swing, then getting into minor scuffles or being pepper-sprayed and breaking up.
It's a C student in a 101 class understanding of self-defense, but it's holding out with minimal casualties so far.
What I'm coming too with all of that is: Intolerance is ok.
Being selective of your intolerance by way of personal dislike as opposed to actual threat level is not.
Not only that, it's dangerous.
It's moving beyond the fallacious idea of hate crime and moving into thought crime.
It's normalizing the hatred and calls to silence, threaten, and otherwise attack people for what they believe.
And that is never a good idea.
Right now, the left is knitting in front of the Guillotine because they think it's only going to be used on bad people.
That doesn't end well for anyone.
I'm trying to break it and tell them to fuck off and knit elsewhere. And getting bitched at for it.