This is the short and simplified version of the story. I'm saying that right up front because a lot of you are going to start screaming buts and whatabouts in a few sentences.
I've described 2016 as the last Summer of civility. Where opponents could readily agree to disagree. So much so that even if you listened real hard, you couldn't hear the implied, "So long as the likes of YOU don't gain/retain power, of course."
Then the election happened. And a vocal segment of the left went into screaming hysterics and haven't stopped since. "This is not normal." being a euphemism for "how dare you!"
And you wonder why some were relieved that such power wasn't retained?
(Those of you with rising blood pressures and ctrl-c'd articles claiming you're right at the ready, sit down. I told you I'm oversimplifying and I'm coming to the point.)
Somewhere in the chaos, there were inquiries about who to blame. And such eyes turned to social media. Regardless of what you think about foreign interference, fake news, or related matters, none of it would be possible without social media.
The complaints have been bipartisan and in-depth. (though to be honest, I've heard much more "how dare you silence so and so?" from conservatives and more "how dare you let so and so speak?" from liberals.) There have been antitrust rumblings laid against both google and Facebook, but no major actions. Yet.
And then it got weird.
Youtube's algorithm's marked live video of the Notre Dame fire as fake and redirected people to archive footage of 9/11.
A Facebook group about fantasy novels I'm in had the mods slammed for fake news because a member had shared an article about cryptids.
Little things, here and there, which had not been there before.
Personally? And bear in mind this is far-reaching conjecture here. I believe every major platform is adjusting its algorithms in preparation for the 2020 election. Regardless of results, but especially in the wake of a Democrat win, I think a lot of social media companies will have to explain to Congress exactly how the bread was buttered. And CYA is already in play.
And unfortunately, that leaves me in an unfortunate position. When the debates get hot enough, "centrist" and "radical moderate" are just synonyms for "in the crossfire."
So I'm currently archiving a decade's worth of writings, pictures, and anything else I want saved. Just in case I'm taken down with no notice.
If that happens, I don't plan on fighting. I'm not a Facebook customer, I'm a product. I've never paid Facebook a dime and it's given me a lovely way to stay in touch with people for over a decade now. I'll go quietly.
But I'm taking my stuff with me.
Jay the Barbarian will still be my handle, wherever I may roam. I've already planted a flag on Mewe, for thems interested.
As for the rest of you, good luck weathering the storms.