((This is the five-minute version. A truncated one has hit the press.))
I've been saying for years that what I'd like to give teachers in this country isn't better pay, a lack of common core, anything to do with worthless-ass NCLB, or any more union bullshit.
It's power.
Because we've taken it all away from our teachers, piece by bloody, lawsuit-ruined piece.
And this is the fucking result.
The only thing that woman can do is sit at her desk. Her career and life are at the mercy of the little motherfuckers supposedly in her care, and everyone in the building knows it.
Is anyone really surprised by now that they just sit back and call the cops?
(Not that that will be a viable option soon, at the rate things are going).
Teachers are terrified for their jobs.
Administrators terrified of lawsuits (but happy to add to their ranks, a whole 'nother problem).
Parents (when they exist) are either helicoptering their own darlings to the point that darling can't tell ass from hole in the ground well into their 20's, or don't care until something does kick in that they can file a lawsuit for.
And the handful of parents that do give a fuck are either clamoring for charters, private schools, or homeschooling rather than being anything resembling PTA active. And I have no way to blame them at all. Yeah, in a society trying to better itself, the community works to educate all of it's youth.
But when the ivory tower burns down around you, take your own kids and run. Fuck, I would in a heartbeat.
Only ones with any power now are the kids and the lawyers.
For what good it does them.
This video was taken in 2011.
I wonder how many of these kids are still alive?
Don't look for any insight or answers from me here, folks.
I'm just sitting here thanking Frigga that none of my friends in the teaching trenches have swallowed pistols in the face of all this bullshit.
We stay on this path, we won't need Zombies to have an apocalypse.
We'll just sit back and fuck ourselves.