When a dissonant voice appears on a topic otherwise agreed on all round. Calm discussion on said topic is interrupted by a preacher of the one true right way, screaming fire and brimstone from their port-o-pulpit upon the sinner in the loft.
I've seen this more and more. I'm talking to someone on a disagreed topic, we're finding middle ground, then BANG, someone jumps into the thread full of fire and brimstone, screaming about how fucking wrong my conversational companion is.
Unhelpful, to say the least.
The peak of this I've seen was a couple of years ago. A long and involved but helpful discussion of trans issues was going on. Then, someone I used to have a modicum of respect for (but has since lost the ability to see a fucking thing past the end of their own pronouns) decided to not only jump onto a soapbox but mount a full-scale superbowl halftime show about how evil and wrong the dissonant voice was.
Completely ignoring the fact that said dissonant voice had spent the last several hours being quietly and politely schooled by another trans individual. This all happened when I was asleep, and laying about with rolled-up newspaper had to happen some hours later. Needless to say, our super bowl halftime artist is no longer permitted here.
But it's been happening more than once. Quiet, respectful, helpful conversation getting derailed by uninvited preachers.
I'm not going to invoke a total ban, but I will point out how unhelpful it is.