As opposed to, say, competing in the 100yrd being an asshole like it's been doing lately.
But let's discuss the Doctors' reactions here.
Phone pics of blood covered ER's. Powerful imagery. Tugs right at the outrage centers, there.
Of course, none of them mention that American gun violence dropped by half in the last 20 years, and has only been twitching upwards recently because there's not a whole lot of further down it can go.
It definitely doesn't mention that, according to Johns Hopkins, medical malpractice kills not only more, but an order of magnitude more than firearm homicides, suicides, and accidents put together.
Ergo, since Doctors having their shit together has an exponentially greater effect over who dies, who lives, and how well than anything myself or any other shooter can do with a gun; then yeah, the Docs might want to stay in their lane here.
I'm not fond of proving assholes right, but that's math for you.