Then. Stop. Saying. It.
Words fucking mean things and language evolves over years, not hours.
Sweet Daddy Odin and all the little valkyries, twitter's fucking old 140 character limit did this. Fucking encouraged complex social concepts to be boiled down into sentence fragments that were inaccurate but fit into a hashtag, spawning little motte-and-bailey arguments as you go.
It only encourages the drooling idiots who actually DO want to do what the hashtag says, and it makes potential allies (who in many cases agree with the underlying primary reform ideas) think the hashtag users are simplistic fools at best, malicious liars at worst. And let's be honest, fucking NOBODY is being taken at their word these days. So quit giving people reasons not to trust good ideas.
Use words the way they currently mean, or watch good ideas with badly composed hashtags die.