I lost all enthusiasm for it, really.
Because anything I want to talk about, I can guarantee you that
one, the vast majority reading this have already formed their opinion, and
two, the vast majority of those are ready to throw hands about it.
Or at least throw shade, mount high horses, and generally be a petty asshole in the name of being right and I can.
Or, if I'm going to be charitable, in honest frustration at trying their best when a vast swath of other people in the world are being shits about it.
It's like dropping a gauntlet in an ice cream shop full of drunken, shirtless, hard dicked college boy gym rats.
It doesn't matter if I drop it on accident, on purpose, or out of a sincere desire to bounce ideas off of someone: There's going to be a mess, I'll be going to a lot of honest effort to not permanently cripple people who won't be extending similar courtesies, and I won't get to enjoy my ice cream.
Namoscarte: the grouch in me recognizes the grouch in you. Or some such shit.