Remember about three years ago when the left decided they suddenly knew their ass from a hole in the ground about Nazis? And Nazis were now the biggest threat to everything ever? And you should always punch Nazis? And hey, you got that dopamine rush because it's GOOD hatred and violence if it's against Nazis? And, conveniently, how suddenly everyone to the right of creepy uncle Biden was suddenly a Nazi? Or a Nazi affiliate, which is just as bad?
Of course, this was being done by people who could neither throw a punch nor identify a Nazi two falls out of three, and it's made the left look like drooling idiots ever since.
Well, the right looks to have jumped on a similar bandwagon.
But it's not against Nazis.
No, their preferred free hate ride is...
Because pedophiles are the biggest threat to everything ever, right? And Epstein didn't kill himself. And he was conveniently attached to every Democrat politician and Hollywood liberal you've ever heard of? And California's legalized pedophilia now? And pedos should all be thrown in a wood chipper? And it's a dopamine rush because it's GOOD hatred and violence if it's against pedos?
I get it.
We're all scared, pissed-off people who've spent *checks* at least 25 weeks in a pressure cooker out there. And if we can't get someone to blame, we can at least find someone to hate without the guilt of hating on another human.
But, like I pointed out to leftists years ago in that's not a Nazi 101, pedos ain't exactly what you think they are.
Case in point, California's new law.
And this is me, folks. I'm the first to admit California's a feudal cesspool.
But SB-145 didn't make that any worse.
The only thing it really changed was giving gay teenagers the same chance as straight teenagers to not wind up on an offender registry.
The age of consent in California is still 18.
The ten-year age difference (or Romeo and Juliet provision) that made violating that a misdemeanor with judicial discretion as opposed to an automatic felony and offender registry was already on the books. But it only applied to vaginal sex. SB-145 applied it to oral and anal sex as well. And as a friend pointed out, news flash: that's a pretty big part of how queer people have sex.
The only thing that changed with that bill is gay teenagers now have a chance to NOT wind up on a registry for doing the same thing straight ones are.
The bill had the support of a slew of organizations that deal with sex crimes against children on a regular basis for a reason. And that reason was to stop cluttering up the offender registry with queer teenagers with the bad luck to be caught with their lovers and save the space for the actual predators, thank you very much.
So the next time you wanna thump your chest and go, "huh, huh, woodchipper go brrrrr," realize that you look just as terminally dense as a soft-handed leftist who couldn't tell a nuisance from a Nazi.