Ever think it's maybe because your party, it's officials and members, do and say things that make it patently unappealing to even extend a simple courtesy to you and yours?
So, some advice.
Shut up. The Republicans aren't *all* racist, misogynist, evangelicals bent on committing evil.
Shut up. The Democrats aren't *all* a bunch of degenerate, socialist, dope smoking, oversexed hippies committed to turning the rest of us AND YOUR CHILDREN into the same.
Knock off the racist comments about other people. Challenge the folks in your party who make them, when you hear them.
Stop labeling everyone who has a legitimate criticism about the president as "racist". He's done quite a bit to invite that criticism.
Stop talking about an 'uprising'.
Maybe start recognizing the parts about your own party that other folks dislike, and maybe try to work on that?" -Pat Gerrity