I know a lot of you have nothing to do with those folks over in gun culture. And I know you think folk like me from the border clans are kinda weird, what with our penchant for fighting everyone with anything, but hear me out.
There's a lesson gun culture's still on a rather painful learning curve about that I believe you'd rather benefit from without going through the whole mess yourself.
It's called pinking and shrinking.
See, gun culture looked out one day and started seeing more ladies in their realm. And not merely the mates and children of their natives, either. And, like the opportunistic capitalist pigs they are, gun culture recognized an opportunity when they saw it.
However, they done fucked it up royally. Instead of, say, designing a holster that feels comfortable and can be worn with a little black cocktail dress whether or not your thighs touch, they started making every damn thing they could pink and shrunk to what they thought were woman-sized. Holsters, clothing, range bags, you name it.
Now, there's not necessarily anything wrong with such things as an option.
But when the only gear offered that feels good is only in that color?
Or when the pinked and shrinked is what you direct anyone female that approaches your booth first thing?
Then we got problems.
Figure this out before one of you does something stupid like make a line of really comfortable gauntlets that are only available in Barbie pink.
Take it from someone who's sold a good number of shirts that mention a princess:
Don't pink and shrink.
Or if you must, make it an option among many, not the basis of a product line.
Have a nice day.