"Life sucks. I found out a friend supports (candidate). I can't believe someone I care about can support (repugnant shit on candidates platform)."
"Well shit. That does suck."
"l know, right? I dunno what to do."
"Hate to break it to you, but you're already making it harder on yourself."
"What? How the fuck am I doing that?"
"(candidate) has a lot more than one issue. They all do."
"Yeah, but (candidate) still has (repugnant shit)."
"And (repugnant shit), out of everything (candidate) has said and done, is on the forefront of your mind."
"Yeah, so?"
"You don't think much of this friend, assuming out of a whole platform, they must be a (repugnant shit) fan."
"Didn't cross your mind their focus might be elsewhere?"
"Even if it is, how can (repugnant shit) not be a deal breaker?"
"Dunno. I ain't them. But I do know you've told me a lot about your fears. And you don't seem to have found out much about their priorities."
"But what if their priorities really are that screwed up?"
"Better know for sure than risk dumping a friend on an assumption."
"This is gonna suck."
"Never said it wouldn't. Just that it's worth the effort and beats the alternative."