Your network is not your fanbase.
I'll repeat that:
Your network is NOT your fanbase.
Attempts to treat it as such will go poorly.
Some context:
This scenario has happened more times than I care to think about. I go to a set, meet new people, do my job, handle problems, and eventually we wrap and go home.
Over the next few days, friend requests from people I met that day start popping up. Once my normal filters activate (do I remember them? Were they good to work with?), I'll usually agree. Fair enough, they were cool to work with, might want to do so again someday.
And then comes the messages. "Watch my video," "subscribe to my channel," or, Gods help you, "crowdfund me!"
No, person I met once, while working, and have not interacted with otherwise.
I'm not your fan.
I'm not your potential investor.
I was (briefly) your colleague, and agreed to become a contact.
I don't know what's more insulting, the direct sell or the form letter "hi, how are you? before you respond, here's a video!"
Now, if you'd come out of the blue with a casting call, a crew call, or even a, "hey Jay, I need an ( x ), you know where I can find one?" I'd have at least taken the time to think about it for a minute.
Worst-case scenario, I don't have, can't do, or don't know anyone who fits what you're looking for, no harm no foul. Best-case, I can direct you to someone who can, or can even offer my own services.
Because THAT is what a network is for.
You want a fanbase?
Get up and do your damn market research.
Follow your genre. Follow your style.
See where FANS of what you do congregate. Not other artists. FANS.
Your network is a poor place to look for them.
(Oh, and first 'but the indie community' argument? WHAT community? You're not asking me to support the community, you're asking me to support YOU. You fail networking.)
I honestly sympathize if this sounds harsh. I know it's a tough business to make it in.
But I've watched so many people shoot themselves in the foot burning bridges they didn't even know they were building, and it's as disappointing as it is irritating.